Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Back to Normality for Now...

By Jove!! I think we've cracked it... today felt like a "normal" day.

We've been here 12 days now and, despite ongoing "wobbles", we have stopped rushing around like headless chucks and had a "normal" day - i.e. just got on with things, relaxed, etc! Was lovely that my good friend Nicky popped round with afternoon tea - made it feel even more "normal" and I made my first meal (lamb casserole ) in the new house and basically we both feel ALOT better about things.

It's warm in here now - the 2 oil heaters have done their job and BOY does it make it easier to function... and type! The only downside (if you can call it that) is that despite Warrens skills being in line with Chch requirements, we have been told that the job market (we're talking IT) is a bit "slack" at the moment. However, Warren has been speaking with a recruitment consultant and they are meeting next week. It's only his first day putting out feelers....... so watch this space!

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